Entry Attributes

A traditional Cadre entry consists of a single row in the entries table. This row has a number of properties, including the obvious title, subtitle, and body fields, but the correct interpretation of some of the other fields may be less obvious. The purpose of this article is to clarify their meaning and usage.

This is comparable to Unix filesystem permissions, but more granular, particularly in that a page can refuse to allow a parent to modify it.

The quintet elements are defined as follows:

Different combinations of these 20 permission flags effectively allow any standard structure to be created; for example, a private message between two individuals may have the permissions "cadrec--r-----------", and reside in the recipient's inbox; an announcement on a blog may have the permissions "cadrec--r-c--r----r-" and be publicly legible, but only commentable by other members of the administrator group, and so forth.

There are two peculiar rules about how these permissions are interpreted that must be understood: (a) the middle two registers are additive and (b) the anonymous user only gets 'r' and 'a' permissions from the fourth register.

The first exception means that if you are both the owner of an entry's parent and belong to its group, you'll get all the benefits of both; the two do not fight each other. The intended usage case is that child nodes could be deleted by their parents and edited by anyone in the group, e.g. in a joint comment made on a forum. Author permissions always override group and parent permissions, so it's possible to have no permissions at all on an entry even if you're the parent and in the group.

The second exception makes it easier to control anonymous commenting. Anonymous users are counted as user 0, so if you want it to be possible for an unregistered person to comment on a news article, you can simply create a group that has the 'c' permission enabled and add Anonymous to it. This has some limitations, since editing permissions can't be then be given to a restricted group of authors, but that can be controlled through a carefully-written template.